It is with great pleasure to announce that by the deadline for submission of the nominations for the “Dragi” award (July 1, 2024), the organizer's editorial office has received a record 43 works translated into the Macedonian language, both in print and in electronic format. There are 40 translators competing for the award, which is more than last year. The books were published by 18 publishing houses or individuals, and translations were made from 18 different languages. Forty foreign authors from all genre categories are included – novels, short stories, children's books, plays. All this testifies to a branched and extensive translation production, but also to a very strong competition.
Attached is the complete list:
- Anastasija Gjurčinova for the translation from Italian of “The Intimate Life“ („Интимен живот“) by Niccolò Amaniti, published by „Antolog“, 2024;
- Ana Neverova-Hristova and Filip Hristov for the translation from Russian of “Crime and Punishment” („Злосторство и казна“) by Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, published by “Antolog”, 2024;
- Gorjan Kostovski за преводот од англиски на „Страв од разделба“ од Гевин Бредли, издание на Струшки вечери на поезијата, 2023 година;
- Darko Spasov for the translation from Slovenian of “Agni” („Агни“) by Borut Kraševec, published by “Čudna šuma”, 2023;
- Diana Nikolovska for the translation from English of “Sweep” („Оџачарот“) by Jonathan Auxier, published by “Čudna šuma”, 2023;
- Gjoko Zdraveski for the translation from Croatian of “Three for Kartal” („Тројца за картал“) by Miljenko Jergović, published by “Begemot”, 2024;
- Gjorgji Krstevski for the translation from Russian of “Elders Falling” („Паѓаат старици“) by Danil Harms, published by “Begemot”, 2024;
- Ekaterina Babamova for the translation from English of “Victory City” („Градот на победата“) by Salman Rushdie, published by “Artkonekt”, 2023;
- Elisaveta Popovska for the translation from French of “A Girl’s Story” („Девојчински спомени“) by Annie Ernaux, published by “Ilika”, 2024;
- Eli Pujovska for the translation from Dutch of “The Unlucky” („Несреќникот“) by Louis Couperus, published by “Makavej”, 2024;
- Eli Pujovska for the translation from Dutch of “Foam and Ashes” („Пена и пепел“) by Jan Jakob Slauerhoff, published by “Makavej”, 2024;
- Emilija Majstorova Stojanovska for the translation from Greek of “The Lodge Boy” („Момчето од ложата“) by Angeliki Darlasi, published by “Bata pres”, 2023;
- Živko Grozdanoski for the translation from Italian of “Before the Night Falls” („Пред да падне ноќ“) by Silvia Vecchini, published by “Bata pres”, 2023;
- Zvonko Dimoski for the translation from Polish of “For the Centaurs” („За кентаурите“) by Zuzanna Ginczanka, published by MA Production, 2024;
- Zlatko Panzov, for the translation from Hungarian of “The ninth Life of the Prince of Cats” („Деветтиот живот на принцот на мачките“) by Dóra Gimesi, published by “ID Concept consulting and design”, 2024;
- Ivica Čeliković for the translation from Swedish of "The Big Banquet“ („Големиот банкет“) by Sara Bergmark Ellfgren, published by “Bata pres”, 2023;
- Igor Popovski for the translation from Spanish of “Death In the Andes” („Смрт на Андите“) by Mario Vargas Llosa, published by “Polica”, 2024;
- Igor Popovski for the translation from Spanish of “Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter” („Тетка Хулија и скрибоманот“) by Mario Vargas Llosa, published by “Polica”, 2024;
- Irena Jurčeva for the translation from English of “The Silmarillion” („Силмарилион“) by J.R.R.Tolkien, published by “Publisher”, 2023;
- Iskra Badeva for the translation from Norwegian of “History of the Bees” („Историја на пчелите“) by Maja Lunde, published by “Antolog”, 2023;
- Iskra Badeva for the translation from Norwegian of “Splintered” („Распарчени“) by Hilde Myklebust, published by “Bata pres”, 2024;
- Jelena Milošević for the translation from English of “The Unexpected” („Нешто неочекувано“) by Kate Chopin, published by Jelena Milošević, 2023;
- Kalina Maleska for the translation from English of “Small Things Like These” („Мали нешта како овие“) by Claire Keegan, published by “Artkonekt”, 2023;
- Katarina Gjurčevska Atanasovska for the translation from English of “Dubliners” („Даблинци“) by James Joyce, published by “Makavej”, 2023;
- Katerina Šekutkovska for the translation from German of “Eleonora the Cat” („Мачката Елеонора“) by Caren Jeß, published by “Ilika”, 2024;
- Katica Garoska Acevska for the translation from French of “You are Poetry” („Ти си поезија“) by Patrice Pavis, published by “Perun artis”, 2023;
- Lidija Vojnoska Hristoska for the translation from English of “The Reading List” („Списокот за читање“) by Sara Nisha Adams, published by “Ars Libris”, 2023;
- Lidija Dimkovska for the translation from Romanian of “Wordless Ela” („Беззборовната Ела“) by Victoria Pătrașcu, published by “Čudna šuma”, 2023;
- Lidija Tanuševska for the translation from Polish of “New Life. How the Poles Helped the Refugees grom Greece” („Нов живот. Како Полјаците им помогнаа на бегалците од Грција“) by Dionisios Sturis, published by “Slavika libris”, 2024;
- Maja Lazarevska for the translation from Bulgarian of “Crumbs on Paper” („Трошки на хартија“) by Marija Rosen, published by “Artkonekt”, 2023;
- Maja Stojanovska-Fildišev for the translation from English of “Cloud Cuckoo Land“ („Град во облаците“) by Anthony Doerr, published by “Matica makedonska”, 2024;
- Marija Nikolovska for the translation from French of selected poetry “Alexis Bernaut” („Алексис Берно“), published by Struga Poetry Evenings, 2023;
- Milan Damjanovski for the translation from English of selected poetry “Adam Horowitz” („Адам Хоровиц“), published by Struga Poetry Evenings, 2023;
- Nade Pop-Gavrilova for the translation from Spanish of “Place of Utopias” („Место на утопии“) by Jorge Palma, published by “Makavej”, 2023;
- Nenad Batkoski for the translation from Croatian of “The Summer above the Chiche Lake” („Лето на езерото Чиче“) by Jasminka Tihi-Stepanić, published by “Bata pres”, 2023;
- Nenad Trpovski for the translation from Portugal of “The Book” („Книга“) by José Luis Peixoto, published by “Antolog”, 2024;
- Olivera Pavlović for the translation from Russian of “The Garden“ („Градината“) by Marina Stepnova, published by “Antolog”, 2023;
- Rodna Ruskovska for the translation from Swedish of “A House Without Mirrors” („Куќа без огледала“) by Mårten Sandén, published by “Čudna šuma”, 2024;
- Sašo Ognenovski for the translation from Serbian of “A Face from Glass” („Лице од стакло“) by Marija Karaklajić, published by “Perun artis”, 2023;
- Sašo Ognenovski for the translation from Serbian of “Paper Theatre” („Театар од хартија“) by Milorad Pavić, published by “Perun artis”, 2023;
- Tatjana Srceva Pavlovska for the translation from English of “Winnie-the-Pooh” („Вини Пу“) by Alan A. Milne, published by “Makavej”, 2023;
- Tome Siljanoski for the translation from Serbian of “Notes of a Dirty Old Man” („Белешки на еден стар гад“) by Charles Bukowski, published by “Begemot”, 2023;
- Filip Dimevski for the translation from Polish of “The Man as he is, Everyone Knows” („Човекот каков е, секој гледа“) by Marzena Matuszak, published by "Skaznuvalka", 2023;
The three-member committee for awarding the prize for the best translation in the Macedonian language "Dragi" this year will consist of Jana Mihajlovska PhD (librarian and president of the Library Association of Macedonia; representative of the family of Dragi Mihajlovski), Zorica Nikolovska, PhD (full professor of the Department of German Language and Literature and translator; representative proposed by the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski") and Vladimir Jankovski (writer and translator, representative proposed by the publishing house "Antolog").
This year's edition of the "Dragi" award was realized by the publishing house "Antolog" with the support of the Ministry of Culture and in cooperation with the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski" - Skopje.
The prize for the best translation into the Macedonian language "Dragi" was established in 2022, and the first honorary award was given to Dragi Mihajlovski (1951-2022), a Macedonian writer, translator, essayist and university professor. Apart from his prose works, Mihajlovski left a lasting mark on Macedonian culture with the translations of works by Shakespeare, Milton, Shelley, Keats, Blake, Eliot, Milton, etc. He also published several studies and essays in the field of translation theory, and with his views on translation, he influenced the students of the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski" in Skopje, where he was a professor.
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