We are glad to announce the opening of the call for the 2nd “Publishing Europe” Fellowship (PEF), held within the BookStar Festival Skopje (October 2024), the most important international festival dedicated to fiction literature in North Macedonia. Main objective of this event is to invite book professionals to learn about our publishing landscape and to open space for emerging literary voices from Europe.

PEF aims to encourage relationships between the publishing community and their Macedonian counterparts and facilitate international cooperation in the field of translation and mobility. This event is envisioned as a matching point for discovery of the publishing industry and for development of professional dialogue on many levels and sharing know-how between the participants. The fellowship programme strengthens transnational exchanges and focuses on rooting a vast network of contacts.

For 2024 we are able to host five fellows – publishers, scouts, editors, managers of prominent literature festivals, agents, sub-agents, translators and other professionals from the book sector interested in European literature, with special emphasis on works written in “lesser-used languages”.

The Programme will cover all accommodation and travel costs: three nights in hotel, airline ticket (economy class), transport from and to the Skopje airport (or bus station), as well as costs related to the programme implementation – meetings with representatives of the publishing houses, agents, writers and translators as well as a publishers’ convention.

In 2024 PEF runs from 2nd  to 3rd  October 2024 in the scope of the 10th  edition of the Festival of European literature Bookstar in Skopje, organized by the publishing house Antolog Books. The fellowship seeks to present the local book market as a dynamic, internationally oriented industry, to consolidate relations, to exchange information and to promote books originally written in Macedonian or in any other language from Europe’s rich scenery.

Besides the professional aspect, you will also have the opportunity to familiarize with our culture, food, people and Macedonia’s good vibes :).

Please share your interest using the application form until July 10th 2024.

We are going to inform you on the final decision until July 20th 2024.