Owner of the publishing house “Janet 45” – Plovdiv and of the Sofija Literary Agency – Sofia, Bulgaria.

Manol Peykov graduated from the English Language High School in Plovdiv and graduated from the American University. He runs " Janet 45", one of the leading publishing houses in Bulgaria, founded by his mother. Since 2009, he has organized over 40 literary events with writers from all over the world.

After the beginning of the war in Ukraine in early 2022, he starts collecting donations for the Ukrainian cause through his personal Facebook profile. So far, it has collected about a million euros, as well as 750 thousand euros for those affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Northern Syria that happened on February 6, 2023.

He translates poetry and is a two-time winner of the "Plovdiv" award, as well as the "Hristo G. Danov" for his translations into Bulgarian of the works of S.T. Coleridge, E.E. Cummings and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Peykov is one of the creators and co-owner of the audiovisual studio "Pekarnata" in Sofija, as well as the founder of the Sofija Literary Agency, the only agency in the country that is actively engaged in the promotion and sale of copyrights for Bulgarian writers on foreign markets.

He was elected as a member of parliament as a representative of the coalitions Democratic Bulgaria and Change Continues – Democratic Bulgaria in four parliamentary assemblies with short mandates between 2021 and 2024.



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