There is a language that is not spoken by mouth but by hands and it helps us to communicate with deaf and hard of hearing people. They are part of our community and the goal of the "BookStar" Festival is to include them in its activities. Through this inclusive initiative, we are starting a collaboration with "Talking hands", i.e. "Hands that speak", making part of the events of the annual edition accessible for people with partial or total hearing disabilities. Our common task is to be open to all our fellow citizens.
Look for the "Talking hands" icon in the program to see which events are inclusive.
"Talking hands" is a project that is the result of long-term cooperation between the Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - "Silence" - Karposh and the International Foundation "Boris Trajkovski" in partnership with the "Signo" Foundation from Norway. The project has two components:
- Creating a Macedonian sign
(the sign language dictionary was created and approved by the deaf population in Macedonia);
Providing more jobs for the deaf population in a mixed environment and their socialization (deaf and hearing people)
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