Vasko Markovski (1973) is a tour guide, a travel writer and a literary translator. He is a B. A. in Turkish language and literature with Czech language and literature. Worked as a journalist, travel writer and an editor for twenty years in fifteen media outlets (radio, print media and multimedia). In the period from 2008-2011 he was the editor-in-chief for the monthly issue of “Free time Guide – Macedonia”. He is an author of the poetry book “Corporate morning” (2013, 2024), of the monograph “Urban Legends” (Begemot, 2018, 2023), the collection of reports “Unknown Macedonia” (Begemot, 2020) and the poetry collection “Skopje Streets” (Begemot, 2022). He translates prose, children’s literature and poetry from Turkish into Macedonian. In 2014 he published a selection of one hundred poems from the famous Turkish poet Orhan Veli (“A Fish in the Brandy Bottle”, Antolog, 2014), on the centenary of the poet’s birth. For his travel writings he is awarded with the recognition “The Best promoter of Macedonia” in 2010.


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