Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser (1963) is a scientific adviser and professor at the Institute for Macedonian literature, part of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. Her research interests are: comparative literature, cultural studies, cultural geography, Slavic studies and Macedonian studies. She is a member of the Writer’s Association of Macedonia and the Macedonian PEN center.
She published several books of essays and literary critics: “Pulsating Philology” (1997), “Gamescribing:Essays for literary madness” (2004), “Comparative Slavic Studies” (2005), “Equilibrium” (2009), “With Dedication” (2013), “(Un)common curiosities” (2018), “Literary Binocular” (2022) and was the editor for many scientific compilations and other publications. She is one of the founders and editor-in-chief of the literary revue for comparative literature and cultural research Context. She is awarded with the prize “Dimitar Mitrev” in 2022. She translated from the Czech language.