Simona Jovanoska (1985) is a Macedonian poet. She completed legal studies at the Faculty of Law "Justinian the First" in Skopje. She works in the field of marketing and communications. She is the author of the poetry books "I, Quentin Scribbler" (2015), "Written Silence" (2016), "Now Is the Longest Never" (2018), "Museum of Feelings" (2019) and "Two Seas" (2023). She is the winner of the "Enhalon" awards at the Struga Poetry Evenings (2017) and the "Beli Mugri" awarded by the Cultural Center "Kočo Racin" from Skopje (2019). She participated in several domestic and international poetry festivals. She is a member of the European poetry network “Versopolis”.

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