Nikolina Andova Šopova (1978) is a writer and poet. She is the author of two poetry collections "The entrance is on the other side" (2013) and "Connect the dots" (2014). Her first collection of poetry won the prestigious "Bridges of Struga" award, which is awarded by UNESCO and the Struga Poetry Evenings. She has participated in numerous European poetry festivals, and her poetry has been translated into several foreign languages and is part of several poetry anthologies. In 2019, she received the "Novel of the Year" award for her first novel, "Someone Was Here", an award given by the "Slavko Janevski" Foundation. In 2020, the publishing house "Ili-Ili" published her children's book "The Mole Dzvezdan,", and two years later her second novel "Estom" was released.

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