Igor Trpčeski (1974) is an actor and director, the first member of the ensemble of the National Theater "Vojdan Černodrinski" - Prilep. He is the founder and president of the "Theatre Workshop Prilep" through which he has produced and realized nine theater performances that have received national and international awards. He organized a large number of promotions, exhibitions and concerts of Macedonian authors and has published five original works and eleven poetry anthologies. Since 2011, in cooperation with Katerina Bataklieva, and since 2014 with Elena Prendјova, they have been organizing the national poetry competition " Poetry Slam Macedonia". He is represented in several magazines for literature and culture. He is a two-time winner of the Poetry Slam and represented Macedonia at the European Poetry Slam in 2017 in Brussels (Belgium) and in 2020 in Maribor (Slovenia).

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