Esmahan Aykol
Turkey / Germany

Esmahan Aykol (1970) is a Turkish-German writer and journalist. She graduated in law in Istanbul. She is currently doing doctoral studies in Berlin. Her novels have been translated into a number of European languages, mainly through the series of crime-thrillers with the character of Kathy Hirschel.








Murder at the Bosphorus Hotel
Translation: Tulay Seyfula

A novel that manages to keep the reader's attention until the very end.

The novel "Murder at the Bosphorus Hotel" is the first of a series of crime-thrillers with the character of Kati Hirschel, signed by Esmahan Aykol. Kati moved to Istanbul from Germany and opened her own bookstore, where only crime novels are sold. Soon, a murder takes place in a nearby hotel, in which her friend is also involved. So the investigation becomes her interest.






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