Alexandra Ioannidou (1966) is a doctor of science, university professor and translator. From 1984 to 1992 she studied Slavic studies (Russian and Polish literature and Bulgarian linguistics) in Heidelberg, Germany. She is the author, among other things, of publications on Russian and comparative literature and the Slavic dialects of the Balkans. She translated several books from German, Russian, Polish and Macedonian into Greek, including Mikhail Bakhtin's "Questions about Dostoevsky's Poetics", as well as works by several writers (Vladimir Makanin, Viktor Pelevin, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Pavel Kohout, Czesław Miłosz). In 2009 she received the National Award for her book "The Koulofakos Case". Her most recent research focuses on issues of silencing and self-censorship in the academic field.

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