
Anton Baev (born 1963) is a Bulgarian writer. He studied Bulgarian philology in Plovdiv, and specialized in journalism in Iowa, USA. He worked as a librarian, columnist, reporter, editor-in-chief and publisher. He has published a number of books of various genres. He participated in international festivals and events, including the "Absolutely Modern" literary residency in Skopje.







The Holy Blood
TranslationBorche Georgiev

The novel "The Holy Blood" is a novel about love and passion in all its dimensions, about crime, revenge, forgiveness, and the characters are teachers and students in a historically turbulent period from 1920 to 1950. The key place of the events is the small town of Ja. The novel is made up of four parts, and each part begins with an excerpt from Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons. The novel is written so that the sentences sound like music, very close to poetry.

As historical as it is universal, the book penetrates into the very essence of the human, into his nature. The sufferings, the thoughts, the words they utter, the music they listen to, the books they read, the movies they watch...

The author himself would say: "When Flaubert was asked who Madame Bovary was, he answered 'It's me!', I think the same about 'The Holy Blood'."


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