
Marta Dimitrov was born on February 17, 1991 in Kavadarci. She completed her primary and secondary education in her hometown, graduated in translation in English and German at the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski" in Skopje, and is enrolled in a master's degree in international business with foreign languages at the FON University. Writing has been her passion since an early age, and the realization of her prose and poetic works in printed form is the realization of her dream. She is the recipient of several diplomas and certificates of appreciation for her poetic achievements. After graduation, she intensively writes poetry in English, which she publishes on her blog, and at the same time she wrote the novel "Exposed Soul" and published it in 2018. In the same year, after her poetry was well received by the public on social networks, she also published the collection of poems "My temple is inside me".



Chardonnay and spaghetti carbonara

"Chardonnay and Spaghetti Carbonara" is apparently a love novel, in which the stories of Mia and Milan as friends and of Ksenia as Milan's girlfriend are intertwined. Apart from the events surrounding these two relationships - the friendly one between Milan and Mia, and the love one between Ksenia and Milan, the main heroine's hobby as a young writer is also reflected in the novel.

Weighing a series of actions, the characters state that maturity has nothing to do with age, but with self-surpassing in an attempt to prevent ego and arrogance.

But at the same time, this is a novel about perseverance in the fight with yourself and your demons, because when we break the ice, we don't need anyone to hold our hand because we need both hands and all our strength.

Marta Dimitrov perfectly psychologically portrays the characters, capturing their deepest dilemmas and fears. She skilfully penetrates to the core of their problems and tells a beautiful and warm story about love, friendship, loyalty.

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