Tijana Milikj (1997) is a cultural worker with a great love for writing. She has a degree in Tourismology at the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Skopje. She worked as a tourist guide, and since 2019 she has been actively involved in the organization of film, music, sports and literature events. She writes prose. She is the author of the works "The life in my skin" (2011) – Data Pesnopoj, "Just love" (2014) – Data Pesnopoj, "And in this town miracles happen" (2022) – PNV Publishing. Her short stories are part of the bilingual collection "Voices – Φωνές" (2011) published in Macedonian and Greek intended for school libraries in Lerin, Greece. She works tirelessly to strengthen the cultural sphere.

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