Pepi Stamkov (1999) was born in Skopje, although most of his life he lived in Gevgelija, where he attended elementary and high school. He graduated in 2023 at the Department of Macedonian Literature and Culture at the Faculty of Philology “Blaže Koneski” in Skopje. He is an author of poetry, essays and literary criticism. His poetry is published in the poetry collections “Metric Caravan”, in the electronic journals “Reper” and “Elementi”, as well as in the oldest macedonian literary magazine “Sovremenost” (where, in addition to poems, he published several essays). He is the co-organizer of the second edition of the "Coronials" festival in 2022. He is the winner of the "Blaže Koneski" award for an essay on а topic, as well as the "Antev Zlatnik" award for the poetry collection "Collected Remnants of the World" in 2024. Currently, he lives and works in Skopje.

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