Irena Jurčeva was born in 1982 in Belgrade. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje, at the Department of Translation and Interpretation. In 2017, she defended her master's thesis on the topic "Cultural translation of The Silmarillion " by J. R. R. Tolkien as a challenge for the translator". So far, he has published two books of poetry, "Secrecy" (2017, Metanoja) and "Our unquenchable fire" (2022, Sovremenost) and two collections of short stories, "Dissolved World" (2021, Templum) and "White is the scariest color" (2019, Templum) for which she received the award for the best debut prose manuscript "Novite!" She has been a guest at several poetry festivals, readings and slam competitions. Her poetry has been published in several literary magazines. She organized several creative writing workshops. She worked as a teacher of English and French in several schools and language centers in Skopje. She has translated more than fifteen books for three publishing houses in Macedonia. She is actively translating literature from the English language.

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