Executive manager of the publishing house Agullo Editions – Bordeaux, France

Nadège Agullo is the CEO of Agullo Editions, a publishing house that focuses on contemporary fiction, specializing in European literature. She was born in Bordeaux and studied copyright law in her hometown. In the following years, she spent her time living between London and Paris where she was selling foreign rights for the Publishing houses “Carlton Books” and “Michel Lafon”. In 2011 she went back to Bordeaux and co-created her first publishing company “Mirobole Editions”. In 2015, she co-founded “Agullo Editions”.

Nadège Agullo was the reason behind the French launch of some of the bestselling European writers like Zygmunt Miloszewski from Poland, Yana Vagner from Russia and Jurica Pavicic from Croatia. In her career she has participated in a number of international professional literary programs in Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Georgia.

“Agullo Editions” is an independent publisher whose works are distributed by “Interforum”, a branch within the Editis publishing group, one of the leaders of publishing in France. “Agullo” publishes a dozen books a year and since 2021 they focus on European contemporary literature. They publish translations of works produced by countries that have less-used languages, with the focus on Eastern and Central Europe, as well as the Balkans. They boast over twenty writers from all over Europe, from countries like Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Romania and Moldova.

As Agullo Editions has not worked with Macedonian writers before, Nadège has decided to join the 2nd “Publishing Europe Fellowship” (PEF) in order to get to know Macedonian literature better and find the perfect Macedonian fit for Agullo Editions.



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