Žarko Kujundjiski (1980) is a writer and publisher. He graduated in 2003, and later received his masters degree at the Department of General and Comparative Literature in Skopje. He was a columnist in several daily newspapers, editor of the electronic magazine “Reper” (www.reper.net.mk), founder of the first festival for European Literature “BookStar”, copywriter in a marketing agency, as well as press coordinator of the Film Festival “Manaki Brothers”. He is the owner of the publishing house “Antolog” from Skopje. He is the author of 13 books. His short story “When the glasses are lost” is part of the renowned anthology The Best European Fiction 2013. “Spectator” is the first debut novel in contemporary Macedonian literature with eight editions and has so far been published in Polish and in English. “America” is published in Italian. The novel “Sphinx of Fury” was the Macedonian representative for the “Balkanika” award for 2021. He is a member of the Writers Association of Macedonia and the Macedonian PEN-center.


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