Vlada Urošević (1934) is a poet, prose author, critic, essayist, anthologist, translator. He spent a significant part of his life as a professor at the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski", at the Department of General and Comparative Literature.

He published eleven collections of poetry. Among his prose works there are seven collections of short stories, seven novels, three books of records and travelogues, several books that collect his critiques and essays, primarily discussing Macedonian writers. He has published two books on fantasy in literature, as well as two books on fantasy in painting. He is author of a large number of anthologies.

In Macedonian, he has translated the works of many French poets. For his literary and translation opus, he was named by the Government of the Republic of France first as a knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, and later an Officer of the same Order. Urošević’s books have been translated into several languages: English, Bulgarian, German, Danish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Serbian, French, Croatian and Spanish. In 2023, after the "Novel of the Year" and "Golden Wreath" awards at the Struga Poetry Evenings, he was proclaimed "Author of the Year" by the Macedonian Association of Publishers.

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